Yanz Mini Shell
HomeShell 1
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HomeShell 2
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Command Shell
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[ Directory ] =>
New File
New Folder
Sensitive File
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<?php /* global constants */ defined( 'TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH' ) || define( 'TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); defined( 'TVE_VERSION' ) || DEFINE( 'TVE_VERSION', include TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'version.php' ); defined( 'TVE_TCB_DB_VERSION' ) || define( 'TVE_TCB_DB_VERSION', '1.2' ); defined( 'TVE_LANDING_PAGE_TEMPLATE' ) || DEFINE( 'TVE_LANDING_PAGE_TEMPLATE', plugins_url() . '/thrive-visual-editor/landing-page/templates' ); defined( 'TVE_LANDING_PAGE_TEMPLATE_DOWNLOADED' ) || DEFINE( 'TVE_LANDING_PAGE_TEMPLATE_DOWNLOADED', plugins_url() . '/../uploads/tcb_lp_templates/templates' ); /* will we need another key for Thrive Leads ? */ defined( 'TVE_EDITOR_FLAG' ) || define( 'TVE_EDITOR_FLAG', 'tve' ); defined( 'TVE_FRAME_FLAG' ) || define( 'TVE_FRAME_FLAG', 'tcbf' ); defined( 'TVE_GLOBAL_CSS_PREFIX' ) || define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_CSS_PREFIX', ':not(#tve)' ); defined( 'TVE_TCB_CORE_INCLUDED' ) || define( 'TVE_TCB_CORE_INCLUDED', true ); defined( 'TCB_THUMBNAIL_META_KEY' ) || define( 'TCB_THUMBNAIL_META_KEY', '_tcb_template_thumb' ); define( 'TCB_CT_POST_TYPE', 'tcb_content_template' ); define( 'TVE_CLOUD_TEMPLATES_FOLDER', 'tcb_content_templates' ); define( 'TCB_MIN_WP_VERSION', '4.8' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_COLOR_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-color-' ); define( 'TVE_LP_COLOR_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-tpl-color-' ); define( 'TVE_DYNAMIC_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-dynamic-' ); define( 'TVE_DYNAMIC_BACKGROUND_URL_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-dynamic-background-url-' ); define( 'TVE_DYNAMIC_COLOR_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-dynamic-color-' ); define( 'TVE_LOCAL_COLOR_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-local-color-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_GRADIENT_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-gradient-' ); define( 'TVE_LP_GRADIENT_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-tpl-gradient-' ); define( 'TVE_LOCAL_GRADIENT_VAR_CSS_PREFIX', '--tcb-local-gradient-' ); define( 'TVE_MAIN_COLOR_H', '--tcb-main-master-h' ); //Main Color Hue define( 'TVE_MAIN_COLOR_S', '--tcb-main-master-s' ); //Main Color Saturation define( 'TVE_MAIN_COLOR_L', '--tcb-main-master-l' ); //Main Color Lightness define( 'TVE_MAIN_COLOR_A', '--tcb-main-master-a' ); //Main Color Alpha define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX', 'tcb-global-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_BUTTON_CLS_PREFIX', TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX . 'button-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_SECTION_CLS_PREFIX', TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX . 'section-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CONTENTBOX_CLS_PREFIX', TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX . 'contentbox-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_LINK_CLS_PREFIX', TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX . 'link-' ); define( 'TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_TEXT_CLS_PREFIX', TVE_GLOBAL_STYLE_CLS_PREFIX . 'text-' ); defined( 'TVE_ICON_API' ) || define( 'TVE_ICON_API', '//landingpages.thrivethemes.com/cloud-api/icons-api.php' ); defined( 'TVE_IS_PROCESSING_CUSTOM_CSS' ) || define( 'TVE_IS_PROCESSING_CUSTOM_CSS', 'tve_is_processing_custom_css' ); defined( 'TVE_EXTENDED_MEMORY_LIMIT' ) || define( 'TVE_EXTENDED_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' ); /** * Used to store the TCB Flag HTML Element * Used also in TA Visual Builder */ defined( 'TVE_FLAG_HTML_ELEMENT' ) || define( 'TVE_FLAG_HTML_ELEMENT', '<div class="tcb_flag" style="display: none"></div>' ); global $tve_style_family_classes; $tve_style_family_classes = [ 'Flat' => 'tve_flt' ]; // global options global $tve_thrive_shortcodes; /* * theme shortcodes available in TCB * list of shortcode identifier => callback function * the callback function will be called with an array of attributes and must return a html code to be inserted into the DOM */ $tve_thrive_shortcodes = [ 'post_symbol' => 'tcb_symbol_shortcode', 'optin' => 'tve_do_optin_shortcode', 'posts_list' => 'tve_do_posts_list_shortcode', 'custom_menu' => 'tve_do_custom_menu_shortcode', 'custom_phone' => 'tve_do_custom_phone_shortcode', 'post_grid' => 'tve_do_post_grid_shortcode', 'widget_menu' => 'tve_render_widget_menu', 'leads_shortcode' => 'tve_do_leads_shortcode', 'tve_leads_additional_fields_filters' => 'tve_leads_additional_fields_filters', 'social_default' => 'tve_social_render_default', 'tvo_shortcode' => 'tvo_render_shortcode', 'ultimatum_shortcode' => 'tve_ult_render_shortcode', 'quiz_shortcode' => 'tqb_render_shortcode', 'thrive_widget' => 'thrive_widget_render', ]; /** * If a file called .flag-staging-templates exists, turn off caching of cloud templates */ if ( file_exists( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ' . flag - staging - templates' ) && ! defined( 'TCB_CLOUD_API_LOCAL' ) ) { define( 'TVE_STAGING_TEMPLATES', true ); define( 'TCB_CLOUD_API_LOCAL', 'https://staging.landingpages.thrivethemes.com/cloud-api/index-api.php' ); defined( 'TCB_TEMPLATE_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TCB_TEMPLATE_DEBUG', true ); defined( 'TCB_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TCB_CLOUD_DEBUG', true ); defined( 'TL_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TL_CLOUD_DEBUG', true ); } if ( file_exists( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '.flag-nocache' ) ) { defined( 'TCB_TEMPLATE_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TCB_TEMPLATE_DEBUG', true ); defined( 'TCB_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TCB_CLOUD_DEBUG', true ); defined( 'TL_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) || define( 'TL_CLOUD_DEBUG', true ); } require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/traits/trait-is-singleton.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/traits/trait-has-ranges.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-custom-fields-shortcode.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/compat.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/backwards.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/helpers/social.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/helpers/cloud.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/functions.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-editor-ajax.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-editor.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-elements.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-color-manager.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-font-manager.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-icon-manager.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-editor-meta-boxes.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/lightspeed/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-post.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-utils.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-content-handler.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-search-form.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list-content.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list-author-image.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list-featured-image.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list-user-image.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/class-tcb-post-list-shortcodes.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/pagination/class-tcb-pagination.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/pagination/class-tcb-pagination-load-more.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/pagination/class-tcb-pagination-none.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list/pagination/class-tcb-pagination-numeric.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/logo/class-tcb-logo.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/post-list-filter/class-tcb-post-list-filter.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/woocommerce/classes/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/smash-balloon/classes/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/notifications/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/conditional-display/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/video-reporting/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/user-templates/class-main.php'; /* we must include these before tve_global_options_init() */ TCB\UserTemplates\Main::includes(); require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/automator/class-main.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/symbols/class-tcb-symbols-post-type.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/symbols/class-tcb-symbol-template.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/symbols/class-tcb-symbols-dashboard.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/symbols/class-tcb-symbols-taxonomy.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/symbols/class-tcb-symbols-block.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-menu-walker.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'landing-page/inc/class-tcb-lp-palettes.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'landing-page/inc/class-tcb-landing-page.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-lightbox.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-login-element-handler.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-user-profile-handler.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-menu-settings.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/helpers/form.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/helpers/file-upload.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/helpers/form-hooks.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-show-when.php'; require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'inc/classes/class-tcb-scripts.php'; /* init the Event Manager */ require_once TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'event-manager/init.php'; add_action( 'admin_init', 'tve_revert_page_to_theme' ); /* ajax calls through WP API */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_tve_social_count', 'tve_social_ajax_count' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tve_social_count', 'tve_social_ajax_count' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_tve_cf_submit', 'tve_submit_contact_form' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tve_cf_submit', 'tve_submit_contact_form' ); add_action( 'admin_action_tve_new_post', 'tve_new_post' ); add_filter( 'wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr', 'tve_image_lazy_load', 10, 3 ); /** * AJAX call to return the TCB-added content for a post */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_tve_get_seo_content', 'tve_get_seo_content' ); /** * Sends an ajax response containing the TCB-saved post content, stripped of tags for yoast SEO integration * * @return void */ function tve_get_seo_content() { $id = isset( $_POST['post_id'] ) ? (int) $_POST['post_id'] : 0; if ( ! $id ) { wp_send_json( [ 'post_id' => 0, 'content' => '', ] ); } /** * Mimic the the_content filter on the post - this will return all TCB content */ global $post; $post = get_post( $id ); global $wp_query; $wp_query->query( [ 'p' => $id, 'post_type' => $post->post_type ] ); /* Make sure Architect content is parsed */ add_filter( 'the_content', 'tve_clean_wp_editor_content', - 100 ); add_filter( 'the_content', 'tve_editor_content', PHP_INT_MAX ); $content = apply_filters( 'tve_get_seo_content', '', $id ); if ( empty( $content ) ) { /* used ob_start to avoid any output generated by tve_editor_content) */ ob_start(); the_content(); $content = ob_get_clean(); } $content = str_replace( [ 'data-src', 'data-url' ], [ 'src', 'url' ], $content ); wp_send_json( array( 'post_id' => $id, 'content' => $content, 'is_edited_with_tar' => (int) get_post_meta( $id, 'tcb_editor_enabled', true ), ) ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tve_enqueue_editor_scripts' ); /** * always enqueue the dash frontend script */ add_filter( 'tve_dash_enqueue_frontend', '__return_true' ); /** * hook for social share counts via ajax */ add_filter( 'tve_dash_main_ajax_tcb_social', 'tve_social_dash_ajax_share_counts', 10, 2 ); /** * Autoresponder APIs AJAX calls */ if ( wp_doing_ajax() || apply_filters( 'tve_leads_include_auto_responder', false ) ) { /** * submit Lead Generation form element via AJAX */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tve_api_form_submit', 'tve_api_form_submit' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_tve_api_form_submit', 'tve_api_form_submit' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tve_custom_form_submit', 'tve_custom_form_submit' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_tve_custom_form_submit', 'tve_custom_form_submit' ); } /** CONTENT REVISION HOOKS */ /** * Append fields to be tracked of changes * This filter is called in revisions view */ add_filter( '_wp_post_revision_fields', 'tve_post_revision_fields', 10, 1 ); /** Restore content to revision */ add_action( 'wp_restore_post_revision', 'tve_restore_post_to_revision', 11, 2 ); /** Decide if post has changed and save a revision for it */ add_filter( 'wp_save_post_revision_post_has_changed', 'tve_post_has_changed', 10, 3 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tve_remove_conflicting_scripts', PHP_INT_MAX ); // add the same tve_editor_filter but on this case on Landing Page templates - only applies to TCB add_filter( 'tve_landing_page_content', 'tve_editor_content' ); // add TCB buttons to admin post/page listing screen add_filter( 'page_row_actions', 'thrive_page_row_buttons', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'post_row_actions', 'thrive_page_row_buttons', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wp_head', function () { /* we need to always load this into the head section, because some themes styles will overwrite the font settings */ tve_load_font_css(); tve_load_global_variables(); /* load meta tags so scrapers can find them */ tve_load_meta_tags(); \TCB\Lightspeed\Main::preload_assets( get_the_ID() ); } ); // add thrive edit link to admin bar add_filter( 'tve_dash_admin_bar_nodes', 'thrive_editor_admin_bar' ); // To fight against themes creating custom wpautop scripts and injecting rogue <br/> and <p> tags into content we have to apply shortcodes early, then add our content to the page // at priority 101, hence the two separate "the_content" actions if ( ! is_admin() ) { add_action( 'wp', 'tve_wp_action' ); function tve_wp_action() { add_filter( 'the_content', 'tve_clean_wp_editor_content', - 100 ); add_filter( 'the_content', 'tve_editor_content', is_editor_page() ? PHP_INT_MAX : 10 ); if ( tcb_editor()->is_inner_frame() ) { global $post; if ( ! empty( $post->post_password ) ) { /* remove password protection on editor pages */ add_filter( 'post_password_required', '__return_false' ); } } } } else { require_once( TVE_TCB_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/class-tcb-admin.php' ); } // manipulate social sharing hooks so that they work with TCB if ( has_filter( 'dd_hook_wp_content' ) ) { remove_filter( 'the_content', 'dd_hook_wp_content' ); add_filter( 'the_content', 'dd_hook_wp_content', 103 ); } // make sure WP editor page doesn't overwrite TCB content add_filter( 'is_protected_meta', 'tve_hide_custom_fields', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'thrive_dashboard_loaded', 'tcb_dashboard_loaded' ); /* hook for displaying the main editor page ( control panel + content frame ) - only if the tve param is present */ if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST[ TVE_EDITOR_FLAG ] ) ) { if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'init', array( tcb_editor(), 'on_admin_init' ), 20 ); /* Disable cache on editor page*/ add_action( 'init', array( tcb_editor(), 'disable_content_cache' ), 20 ); } add_action( 'post_action_architect', array( tcb_editor(), 'post_action_architect' ), 0 ); } add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'tcb_rest_api_init' ); function tcb_rest_api_init() { tcb_create_admin_rest_routes(); TCB_Post_List::rest_api_init(); TCB_Logo::rest_api_init(); TCB_Post_List_Filter::rest_api_init(); if ( ! empty( $_POST['tar_editor_page'] ) && TCB_Product::has_external_access() ) { TCB_Utils::restore_post_waf_content(); } } // hook for detecting if a post is setup as a Custom Editable piece of content add_action( 'template_redirect', 'tcb_custom_editable_content', 9 ); /** * filter used to clean meta-data stuff from the content, when displaying it on frontend, e.g.: lead generation code being saved in the HTML causes SEO issues */ add_filter( 'tcb_clean_frontend_content', 'tcb_clean_frontend_content' ); /** * init the Pinterest SDK */ add_action( 'tve_socials_init_pinterest', 'tve_socials_init_pinterest' ); add_filter( 'tve_filter_custom_fonts_for_enqueue_in_editor', 'tve_filter_custom_fonts_for_enqueue_in_editor' ); /** * shows a message in the main media uploader window that states: "Only .xxx files are allowed" */ add_action( 'post-upload-ui', 'tve_media_restrict_filetypes' ); add_action( 'init', function () { /* use settings API to store non post-level settings */ tve_global_options_init(); /* hook to defined location of translations files */ tve_load_plugin_textdomain(); /* only TCB-specific classes should be loaded here */ tve_load_tcb_classes(); \TCB\Notifications\Main::init(); \TCB\ConditionalDisplay\Main::init(); \TCB\UserTemplates\Main::init(); \TCB\Integrations\SmashBalloon\Main::init(); TCB_Menu_Settings::init(); TCB_Editor_Meta_Boxes::init(); \TCB\VideoReporting\Main::init(); } ); \TCB\Lightspeed\Main::init(); add_action( 'wp_footer', array( tcb_editor(), 'inner_frame_menus' ), 100 ); add_action( 'wp', array( tcb_editor(), 'clean_inner_frame' ) ); /** * Actions used for handling the interim login ( login via popup in TCB editor page ) */ add_filter( 'tvd_auth_check_data', 'tcb_auth_check_data' ); add_action( 'thrive_prepare_migrations', 'tcb_prepare_db_migrations' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'tve_editor_url' ) ) { /** * @return string the absolute url to this plugin's folder * * @param string $file optional, a path inside the plugin folder */ function tve_editor_url( $file = null ) { return rtrim( TVE_EDITOR_URL . ( null !== $file ? ltrim( $file, '/\\' ) : '' ), '/' ); } } /** * Enable unavailable shortcode tooltips inside the editor */ add_filter( 'td_smartsite_shortcode_tooltip', 'is_editor_page_raw' ); /** * Symbol css backwards compatible */ add_filter( 'tcb_symbol_css_before', 'symbols_css_backwards_compatible', 10, 2 ); /* Replace tve_editor from css with global css prefix ( :not(#tve) )*/ add_filter( 'tcb_custom_css', 'tcb_custom_css' ); /** *Replaces element type with post_list if the type is post_list_featured */ add_filter( 'tcb_cloud_templates_replace_featured_type', [ 'TCB_Post_List', 'featured_type_replace' ] ); /** *Replaces element tag with post_list_featured if the type is post_list_featured */ add_filter( 'tcb_cloud_templates_replace_featured_tag', [ 'TCB_Post_List', 'post_list_tag_replace' ], 10, 2 ); /** * Checks if the post type is not blacklisted */ add_filter( 'tve_allowed_post_type', 'tar_is_post_type_allowed', 10, 2 ); /** * Default styles - printed earlier than global style, only on non-editor pages */ add_action( 'wp_head', function () { if ( tcb_should_print_unified_styles() ) { tcb_print_frontend_styles(); } }, 90, 0 ); /** * Backwards compatibility * Replace #tve_editor with the new selector * * Also checks if the disable css option is checked from Thrive Dashboard. * If so, we strip the import statements from the css string * * Gets called from all products that have TAR as a dependency * * @param $css * * @return string */ function tcb_custom_css( $css ) { if ( function_exists( 'tve_dash_is_google_fonts_blocked' ) && tve_dash_is_google_fonts_blocked() ) { $css = preg_replace( '/@import url\((\\\)?\"(http:|https:)?\/\/fonts\.(googleapis|gstatic)\.com([^)]*)\);/', '', $css ); } /** * Whether the css should be minified or not */ if ( apply_filters( 'tve_should_minify_css', true ) ) { $css = tve_minify_css( $css ); } return str_replace( '#tve_editor', tcb_selection_root(), $css ); } /** * Try some css minification * * @param string $css * * @return string */ function tve_minify_css( $css = '' ) { /* replace new line with empty space */ $css = preg_replace( '/\n|\r/m', '', $css ); /* replace more than two spaces with just one space */ $css = preg_replace( '/\s{2,}/m', '', $css ); /* remove spaces before and after , : and ; */ $css = preg_replace_callback( '/\s*([,;{}])(?!:)\s*/m', static function ( $match ) { return $match[1]; }, $css ); return $css; } /** * render all necessary things for page-level event manager * * @param array $events */ if ( ! function_exists( 'tve_page_events' ) ) { function tve_page_events( $events = [] ) { $triggers = tve_get_event_triggers( 'page' ); $actions = tve_get_event_actions( 'page' ); /* hold all the javascript callbacks required for the identified actions */ $javascript_callbacks = isset( $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_callbacks'] ) ? $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_callbacks'] : []; /* holds all the Global JS required by different actions and event triggers on page load */ $registered_javascript_globals = isset( $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_global_js'] ) ? $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_global_js'] : []; /* hold all instances of the Action classes in order to output stuff in the footer, we need to get out of the_content filter */ $registered_actions = isset( $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_actions'] ) ? $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_actions'] : []; /* each trigger instance might also need a bit of javascript to trigger it */ $registered_triggers = isset( $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_triggers'] ) ? $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_triggers'] : []; /* * all page level events */ foreach ( $events as $index => $event_config ) { if ( empty( $event_config['t'] ) || empty( $event_config['a'] ) || ! isset( $triggers[ $event_config['t'] ] ) || ! isset( $actions[ $event_config['a'] ] ) ) { continue; } /** @var TCB_Event_Action_Abstract $action */ $action = $actions[ $event_config['a'] ]; $registered_actions [] = [ 'class' => $action, 'event_config' => $event_config, ]; /** @var TCB_Event_Trigger_Abstract $trigger */ $trigger = $triggers[ $event_config['t'] ]; $registered_triggers [] = [ 'class' => $trigger, 'event_config' => $event_config, ]; if ( ! isset( $javascript_callbacks[ $event_config['a'] ] ) ) { $javascript_callbacks[ $event_config['a'] ] = $action->getJsActionCallback(); } if ( ! isset( $registered_javascript_globals[ 'action_' . $event_config['a'] ] ) ) { $registered_javascript_globals[ 'action_' . $event_config['a'] ] = $action; } if ( ! isset( $registered_javascript_globals[ 'trigger_' . $event_config['t'] ] ) ) { $registered_javascript_globals[ 'trigger_' . $event_config['t'] ] = $trigger; } } if ( empty( $javascript_callbacks ) ) { return; } /* we need to add all the javascript callbacks into the page */ /* this cannot be done using wp_localize_script WP function, as each if the callback will actually be JS code */ ///euuuughhh $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_callbacks'] = $javascript_callbacks; $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_global_js'] = $registered_javascript_globals; $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_actions'] = $registered_actions; $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_triggers'] = $registered_triggers; /* execute the mainPostCallback on all of the related actions, some of them might need to register stuff (e.g. lightboxes) */ foreach ( $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_actions'] as $key => $item ) { if ( empty( $item['main_post_callback_'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['tve_event_manager_actions'][ $key ]['main_post_callback_'] = true; $item['class']->mainPostCallback( $item['event_config'] ); } } /* remove previously assigned callback, if any */ remove_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 'tve_print_footer_events', - 50 ); add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 'tve_print_footer_events', - 50 ); } } add_filter( 'tve_frontend_options_data', 'tve_frontend_data' ); /** * Smart complete related stuff added through a filter so other plugins can use smart complete when TAr doesnt laod the frontend files directly * * @param $frontend_options * * @return mixed */ function tve_frontend_data( $frontend_options ) { $is_editor = is_editor_page(); $frontend_options['ip'] = tve_dash_get_ip(); $frontend_options['current_user'] = tve_current_user_data(); if ( isset( $frontend_options['is_single'] ) && $frontend_options['is_single'] === '1' ) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); $frontend_options['post_id'] = $post_id; $frontend_options['post_title'] = get_the_title(); $frontend_options['post_type'] = get_post_type(); $frontend_options['post_url'] = get_permalink(); if ( ! $is_editor ) { $tcb_post = tcb_post( $post_id ); $frontend_options['is_lp'] = $tcb_post->is_landing_page(); } } if ( ! $is_editor ) { $frontend_options['post_request_data'] = empty( $_POST ) ? [] : $_POST; } return $frontend_options; } add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'tve_reset_cloud_templates' ); /** * On theme switch we delete the Cloud Template Cache from transients */ function tve_reset_cloud_templates() { delete_transient( tve_get_cloud_templates_transient_name() ); } add_action( 'wp_footer', function () { /** * In case the login element has refresh page and success message enabled then after refresh this show the success message */ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; include( 'editor/js/inline/toast-message.js' ); echo '</script>'; } );
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