Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments all over the world, and there is no scope of any doubt about it whatsoever. Irrespective of the genre of music, this instrument plays a pivotal role in not only composition of tunes, but also when it comes to performance of the singers all over the planet. In order to know how to play classical guitar, firstly you have to know some important things about the best classical guitar. Below the details about it.

The Basics of How to Play Classical Guitar
When we talk about learning to play classical guitar, the first and foremost picture that is portrayed is a band of singers and players with weird getups and hair styles, singing at the top of their voices, amidst spectacular lighting and stage effects. However, that is the lighter side of music, and that includes jazz, country music, and various types of rock music. However, there is another subtle side of the musical coin as well. That is the classic genre of music. Amazingly, guitar plays a very important role in composition of classical music – be it instrument or be it vocal. Hence, when it comes to learning to play classical guitar, the individual in question has a task cut out.
Let us understand how to play this wonderful instrument, more so in order to play lilting classical music, which is so very different from light, rock and roll and country music.
The first step is obviously analyzing the difference between the classical guitars and other guitars. Classical guitars generally are comprised of soft strings that are made up of steel, more so for E, D and A. However, for G, E and B soft nylon strings are used. As a result of this, classical guitars always produce a sound that is much warmer as well as more resonant than the ones that are used while performing lighter songs. Apart from this, the principles of chords and scales are similar to the other variants of guitars, though the resultant sound is totally different from that produced by the other guitars.
The first step of learning how to play classical guitar for beginners is ostensibly choosing the right guitar. When it comes to playing classical music, a conventional guitar always is a better choice than the electric guitar or acoustic guitar. This is mainly because the technique of playing classical guitar is very much different from playing an electric or acoustic guitar. This is because the neck of the acoustic or electric guitar is very much different from the conventional guitars, and that makes all the difference. Knowing that is one of the very first and the most important step.
Selecting the Right Guitar

Before a student knows how to play classical guitar, it is important that the individual chooses the right guitar for the best results. Obviously, the wood the instrument of made up of, the construction techniques involved, the quality of strings and the tension thereof collectively creates a lot of impact on the sound that the instrument would produce. That is the reason an electric or an acoustic guitar can never create the desired effect that a conventional classical guitar can produce.
The good quality guitars always come up with a solid top, which is not laminated, while the body is made up of spruce or cedar. The ones made up of cedar tend to generate sounds that are much warmer than the ones made up of spruce. The guitars made up of cedar are more forgiving, when it comes to dealing with the players’ error, particularly in case of the beginners. On the other hand, the ones made up of spruce tend to be more accurate and produce a clear sound, and hence should be appropriate only when the student is not a beginner, but quite an expert.
Tip: Here is the top rated classical guitar for $1000 reviews. You may check this buying guide.
Tunings is the next ‘big’ thing that a student needs to be familiar with. It is imperative that a student learns at first to recognize the most accurate and the correct notes, by simply listening to them. That means, their ears have to come in tune with the notes, before they start actually ‘playing’ the instrument. This will help them to be aware of ‘out-of-tune’ notes and strike the most accurate note right away.
The Best Position

Posture makes a huge difference while playing classical guitar. Any classical guitar demands a very specific and upright, though seated posture. This helps to set the mood, and also goes a long way in striking the right notes. A firm yet comfortable chair is what is needed that is high enough to keep the shins and well as the thighs at an upright angle. The back needs to be straight, yet relaxed and the same applies for the shoulders. Though there is no hard and fast position that has to be maintained, one has to make sure that the chest is open and the hands and free to move, and there is no hindrance in movement of the wrist or the fingers, while playing the guitar. The bottom line is to remain as calm and composed as possible to make sure that one comes out with the best results, and there is no problem in concentrating.
Dealing with Fingers While Playing It
A player of classical guitar needs a lot of strength in the fingers along with dexterity. Hence, the first few days of learning might not be a pleasant one, as the player might experience pain in the knuckles along with a little swelling. However, they subside with time and prolonged practice. Technique and endurance will develop later on, as both these two take time to build up. Once the soreness of the fingers is dealt with, and is sorted out, it is time to take into account the aspect of manicure. Presence of a little bit of nail might help, as the nail, coupled with the tip of the fingers come in handy while plucking the strings at the time of playing classical guitar. It is wiser to maintain longer nails on the right hand always help to produce the right sounds with much ease.
Final Thoughts
In fact, controlled trimming of finger nails of the fretting hands help the learners to have maximum control, while holding the strings. Before we get into the in depth technicalities of playing classical guitar, these are the first few steps that help one learn how to play classical guitar for beginners.